Build A Robot | National Robotics Week

Join us at the Anchorage Maker Space as we celebrate National Robotics Week and Build a Robot!
Experience: Beginner – Intermediate
Taught by Robotics Specialist Dustin Mendoza and Clynce Carillo
Prerequisites: Laptop, Basic Algebra and Problem Solving Skills
Two Age Group Classes to Choose from:
12yrs- 18yrs & 18+
Saturday, April 4th 10am-12pm (Age Group:12 yrs – 17yrs)
Saturday, April 4th 2pm-4pm (Age Group: 18+)
Learn how to build a your own robot! We’ll be working with Arduinos and starting to learn to program a robot.
$20 per student.
Can make Week 1? Join Week 2! https://www.facebook.com/events/412300868942923/
Sponsored By: E-Terra, Just Lawns & iRobot.
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