About the Makerspace
Anchorage’s Makers are an enthusiastic group of hobbyists and professionals that identify with the “maker culture” — a movement which encourages experimentation and invention in The Arts and Sciences. The strength of a group is in its members, so if you like to build things (or take them apart), hack hardware, write software, design electronics, work with wood, metal, fiberglass, or plastic, grow your own food, or just look up at the stars and wonder how it all works… well, you’re in the right place.
Our toolset is constantly changing, so visit the shop to see everything we have on hand.
3D printing:
- SeeMeCNC Orion Delta Desktop 3D Printer
- Makerbot 3D Printer
- CR105s 20″x20″x20″
- BCN Sigma Dual
- Soldering Station
- Reflow Heat gun
- Oscilloscope
- Stock Supplies
CnC Machines:
- 100W laser cutter with a 4’x3′ bed
- 7′ x 14′ MultiCam CNC
- Shapeoko 2 open source CNC mill with a 12″ x 12″ x 3″ workspace
- Table Saw
- Drill Presses
- Bandsaw (Wood)
- Router Tables x2
- Miter Saw
- Circular Saw
- Planer
- Band Saw
- Biscuit cutter
- Hand tools
- 4′ Belt Sander
- Welder
- Bandsaw (Metal)
- Floor jack and Stands
- Battery Charger
- Automotive wrench set
- HP Designjet T790 large format printer
- Gerber Vinyl Cutter
- Workstations with design software
- Robust Server for Hosting and Development
- Vacuum Former (1′ x 1′ custom)
- Kiln
Mission Statement and Values
Mission Statement
Our mission is to create a cooperative community workshop in Anchorage, Alaska. The Makerspace is available and accessible as a community resource, offering a social space for makers, inventors, artists, entrepreneurs, learners, and dreamers to pool their skills, knowledge and resources for the good of the community.
Our Values
We’re an inclusive community ‐ We foster a safe, inclusive, respectful, family‐friendly space that engages the diverse community of makers without regard to background, style, or perspective.
We’re an educational organization ‐ We inspire thirst for learning, discovery and self‐improvement by teaching people how to use tools, explore their environment, and bring creations to life; special priority is given to empowering the next generation of makers through communal development of vision, technical skills, and creative wonder.
We encourage creativity ‐ In order to ensure that creativity and self‐expression thrive, we respect each and every member, value their unique contribution to the space and celebrate our diverse capacities. We welcome any form of creative expression which does not compromise the inclusive, emotionally and physically safe nature of our community.
We enhance the quality of life in our local community ‐ While many people enjoy spending their leisure time making, fixing or creating things, AMS does more than provide community access to tools, expertise and workspace; we also serve our community by working to provide training, workshops, events and activities for the general public, hosting community groups, and lending our capacities to complementary organizations throughout Alaska.
We support local innovation ‐ We encourage entrepreneurship by: attracting, developing and supporting a large community of smart, creative and experienced people with many different skills; giving them access to a workspace with sophisticated tools; and connecting these makers with the local business community.
We’re nonprofit and run by volunteers ‐ The Makerspace is only as good as its members make it. We seek out dedicated members who will devote their time, resources and expertise towards sustainably fulfilling our mission for the good of current and future generations of makers.
Board and Founders
Proudly serving on the AMS Board of Directors:
- Andreas Tziolas (President)
- Diamond Redmond (Treasurer)
- Jessica Austin (Facility Manager)
- Steven Fett (Chief Technology Officer)
- Corny Eastman
- Bob Koontz
The Founders of the AMS:
- Dale Rooney
- Andreas Tziolas
- Henry Lee
- Jeff Blum
- Steven Fett
- Melanie Hedman
- Garrett Perkins
- Alan Sneegas
- Katie Lee
- Cornelius J. Eastman
- Leon Jaimes
- Terry H. LaGrone
- Nick Wallette
- Andrew Dahlin
- John Randall
- Diamond Redmond
- Dane Ketner
- Duncan Meyers
- Dustin Mendoza
- Robert Eachus
- Lance Ahern
- Chuck Colht
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