Innovate and Create: Exciting Upcoming Classes and Events at Anchorage Makerspace
December 5, 2023
Join us at Anchorage Makerspace for a season of learning, innovation, and community building! We’re thrilled to announce a diverse range of events and classes that cater to makers of all levels. From technology enthusiasts to crafters, our space is a hub of creativity and skill-sharing. Open House Mondays: Explore the Maker World Every Monday
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DIY a WiFi-enabled LED Bar Sign
February 13, 2020
Why can’t you just create the exact kind of furniture you’re seeking without going through 300+ hours of sales talks?
Creating a sign that Burns and Blooms — Anchorage MakerSpace
January 7, 2020
Materials needed: Two 30’x30x½” sheets of Sintra, black acrylic paint, off-white acrylic paint, paintbrushes, and 120″ of 1″ angle iron Machines used: Multicam (CNC) router, welder Software used: Aspire Classes necessary to replicate: CNC training, welding 101 class While there’s a long list of reasons to join Anchorage MakerSpace (that we’d love to speak with
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Building A Kayak With Robert Koontz — Anchorage MakerSpace
December 24, 2019
Materials needed: ⅛” sheet wood & multi-length stringers, milled from 2’x8′ clear cedar board Machines used: Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine, laser cutter, and table saw Software used: Fusion360 Classes necessary to replicate: CNC class, laser cutting class, and 3D modelling class To start off any ambitious project—such as a 17-foot kayak—begin with a
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Make~ing~ a Spinning Wheel
March 17, 2014
Hi – I’m Duncan Meyers, I love working with wood and building things, but haven’t been able to in a very long time. But after becoming a member of the Anchorage Makerspace – I now have access to all the tools and workspace I need to get back into doing what I enjoy. My project
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