MakerSpace Robotics Mission: To teach Science, Technology, Engineering and Math to all generations through Robotic means Current Team: 8469 Think Again
2014-2015 Team
Team 8469 Think Again
Kendra Todd
- Age: 15
- Dream: Zombie Apocalypse Survivor
- Role: Programmer
- Likes: YouTube, Karate, Video Games, Purple
- Dislikes: Vegetables, Homework
Kyle Lacy
- Age: 16
- Dream: Aquaman
- Role: Driver, Head Manufacturer
- Likes: Video Games
- Dislikes: Homework
Amanda Hanley
- Age: 15
- Dream: English Major
- Role: Manufacturer, Journalist
- Likes: Painting her nails, Writing, Doodling, Swimming, Purple, Coconut
- Dislikes: Dressing for the cold, Chocolate
Konaa Tallman
- Age: 13
- Dream: Degree in Business and Engineering
- Role: Designer,Driver,Manufacturer
- Likes: Video Games
- Dislikes: Homework,Social Studies
Naasha Tallman
- Age: 15
- Dream: Architectural Engineer
- Role: Manufacturer, Designer
- Likes: Athletic Activity
- Dislikes: Insects
History of Maker Space Robotics
For the start of the MakerSPace Robotics, I, Clynce Carrillo (Assistant Director of the MakerSpace Robotics) am proud to mentor Konaa, Naasha, Kyle, Kendra, and Amanda.
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